Saturday, June 22, 2019

What's Happening Internet?

Whaaaaaaa? I'm alive? Yup. Sure am. And a heck of a lot older now than when my little baby self started this thing. Look how cute I was! And a total spazz. I guess I'm still a bit of a spazz. 


It was super fun reminiscing on my old recaps and I'm tempted to try again. I know I said that last post like a billion years ago ok but hey maybe this time it will stick. 

I'm not even sure I remember how to do this... I'll poke around at it, dust off my old Xena DVD box set, see if I want to try and put the effort into this again. It was a lot of fun and weirdly theraputic. Like a weird journal type of thing for myself and the 12 other people who were reading it hardy har har. Aaaaaanyway I still never delete anything I write here CAN YOU TELL!? Stream of consciousness yo. That's where it's at.

If I post again with a recap for episode 40, I'll talk more at you then!

1 comment:

  1. Dooooo it! I never purged my RSS feed because I believe in you... And the power of Xena and Gabrielle. 😂 I should dust off my own box set.
